Create YOUR website

our website Sept-15-2023.jpg
lisatom1 large.jpg
logo april 23 ver4 color.jpg
our website Sept-15-2023.jpg
lisatom1 large.jpg
logo april 23 ver4 color.jpg

Create YOUR website


We will create a website for you using SmugMug (Smugmug fees not included). Having your own website provides you with a place to display the “best of” images for yourself, for family and friends and of for others to peruse.

Some people need a website as part of their artistic endeavor as it is amazing to see your favorite images all in one place. It can help you share your artistic story. You do not need to have a commercial site (I know some people feel that if you are a photographer then you have to sell your images, but the joy of making the images can be enough, like the process of bowling or rock climbing or boating is enough). Even if you re on social media having a website allows you to see your best of, since the images on social media are showcased in chronological order, your very best work gets lost among a feed of “average” pictures.


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